Can Rabbits Stay Outside in the Winter?

Can Rabbits Stay Outside in the Winter?

Yes, rabbits can stay outside in the winter. The bunnies can live outside in the winter as they can adapt to cold environments.

 According to nidirect, “Rabbits can be kept outdoors all year round. However, they need a resting area with a shed or unused garage with natural light and ventilation for the winter months.”

Bunnies have thick and warm fur around their whole body. However, it is necessary at the same time that they are adjusted to the following:

  • Dry and warm outdoor hutches to hide in and keep away the cold. 
  • Adequate roofs and shelter
  • Cozy and comfortable sleeping area
  • Good availability of natural light 
  • A sufficient amount of ventilation should be provided
  • It must have enough space for bunnies to exercise.
  • Make sure your rabbit has a companion.
Can Rabbits Stay Outside in the Winter?

Can Rabbits Live Outside in the Winter?

Yes, they can. Rabbits can stay outside in the winter since they are naturally blessed with a fur coat that thickens as the temperature decreases and cold weather kicks in. Therefore, rabbits can handle the cold with proper living adjustments. 

Rabbits have very thin and delicate skin covered with fine fur comprised of a soft undercoat and stiff guard hairs, according to the National Library of Medicine. The rabbit’s body is well covered with underfur and guard hairs.

Can Rabbits Stay Outside in the Winter?

So, it would be no problem to keep your rabbits outside in winter if you keep them warm and healthy. 

Rabbits’ fur can protect them from cold to a certain limit. Therefore, you must also provide your bunnies an ideal environment to survive the cold. 

Keeping rabbits warm outside in winter is the most crucial step to their survival. Otherwise, it will take a little while for your bunnies to catch cold and fall ill since they are sensitive animals. 

Ensure the hutches you design for your rabbits withstand the harsh winds and rain. Keep an eye on the hutches and prevent them from getting wet and damp. Build the insulated walls if you have to. Caring for the bunnies outside is a huge responsibility. 

How to Keep the Bunnies Warm in the Winter Outdoors

Keeping rabbits outside in the winter will require your constant care. Rabbits can freeze to death in the cold due to your carelessness. Therefore, make sure you carry out the following steps. 

  • Provide your rabbits with additional bedding to keep them warm. Supply them with lots of hay, newspaper layers, and soft straws. You will also find heat mats for bunnies that are safe to use if not in direct contact with their skin.
  • You can also set up a heat lamp if you keep bunnies outdoors in a garage or a shed. However, ensure that you keep it away from them and that the temperature is not raised too high. Moreover, the electric wires must be out of your rabbit’s reach. You will need to monitor the environment frequently.
  • Your bunny’s shelter should be spacious, airy, and dry. It should be built in such a way that it stays guarded against dampness, predators, harsh wind, and drought. 
  • You may use a carpet or blankets to create a cover for your pet’s shelter. Simultaneously, let a small area be uncovered for air and ventilation. 
  • Clean your rabbit’s accommodation and sleeping area often. If you find the straw or hay damp, replace them with dry ones before your bunny puts them in the mouth and falls ill. 
  • You must know that exercise is essential to the rabbit’s routine regardless of the season. Thus, please provide them with a spacious area for exercise to stay fit and healthy. Furthermore, keep your bunnies in a pair or a group since they are social animals.
  • Remember that cold bunnies require extra calories to stay warm. Therefore, supply them with plenty of hay to eat. 
Can Rabbits Stay Outside in the Winter?

Prepare a rabbit hutch to Stay Outside in the Winter

Adjusting rabbit hutches in winter is essential to fighting against the harsh cold weather. Some safety measures to prepare for a rabbit hutch to stay outside in winter are as follows:

  • Most of the hutches comprise wood that is prone to rabbit urine, poop, and scattered water. It will start to rot, leading to heat leaking out from the hutch and causing cold. Moreover, the damp wood will wet your rabbit, which can freeze it to death. Thus, keep replacing the wood.
  • You can prevent the hutch from dampness and rot by raising the hutch’s floor. It will also protect from predators. 
  • You can shield the bunnies from strong and cold wind by building their hutches toward trees or bushes. 
  • Keep a watchful eye on the roof of the hutches since they can also start leaking and rifting. It will result in rainwater, cold breeze, and snow passing through the roof and freezing the rabbits to death. 
  • Therefore, take special precautions if you ever decide to keep your rabbits outside in the winter. Provide them with enough warmth, insulation, bedding, and food in their cozy hutches. 

Rabbit Hutches in Winter 

Hutches are specifically designed for domestic bunnies. Unlike wild rabbits, domestic ones cannot build shelters and protect themselves from predators, harsh weather, rain, snow, etc. 

Therefore, it becomes the foremost duty of the bunny owner to provide a stable and protective shelter to their outdoor rabbits in winter. 

Indeed, the low-temperature tolerance of rabbits enables them to handle the cold. However, if the hutches leak, resulting in rabbits getting wet, it can be risky for their survival. This is because it can cause hypothermia in rabbits. 

Therefore, dry and insulated hutches are essential for the outdoor bunnies in winter. You will find two main hutch designs for the rabbits in stores.

The Two-Story Hutch: This design has two floors, i.e., upper and lower. The lower floor is built for playing, running, and exercising. Meanwhile, the upper floor is only for eating, sleeping, and napping. The floor and walls of the hutch are made of wood.

Moreover, this hutch is moveable. It can be easily carried to different areas to keep your rabbits warm. Its cozy and warm property is beneficial for the bunnies’ survival.

Can Rabbits Stay Outside in the Winter?

The Ware Premium Hutch: The design of this hutch is composed of a wire fabric frame and a wooden floor. It is equipped with a ramp that enables numerous activities.

The roof of this hutch is flexible as it can be modified during extreme winter, including harsh winds or brutal snow, to provide additional warmth.

The wireframe and strong fence of the hutch are designed to make it inaccessible to the predators outside. 

Moreover, a portable tray is easily pulled out for cleaning. Therefore, this hutch is mostly recommended for rabbits. 

Remember that the purpose of hutches is to protect from external elements, especially at night. Otherwise, you can only expect your rabbit to stay in a cage for a bit.

Not considering all the given points, it would not be kind of you because rabbits love socializing and grazing. It would help if you give them the freedom to run outside when the weather is pleasant and bearable.   

Can Rabbits Stay Outside in the Winter?


How Cold is Too Cold for Rabbits?

 If the temperature drops below -7˚C or 19˚F, it is unsafe for your rabbit’s survival, particularly the older rabbits. Rabbits are generally comfortable in temperatures ranging from 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 21 degrees Celsius). 

However, older bunnies have a high chance of suffering from aching arthritis. Extreme cold can lead to hypothermia and pneumonia, ultimately killing the bunny.

Is it Cruel to Keep Rabbits Outside in Winter?

No, it is not cruel to keep your rabbits outside in winter as long as you provide them with an ideal resting area. It includes the following.

  • Any garage or shed that is ventilated and weather-proof. 
  • Plenty of space is provided for running and exercising.
  • The shelter should be away from direct sunlight and the direction of harsh and cold winds. 
  • Always constantly check the water and food bowls and change them frequently. This is because the bowls are exposed to freezing at reduced temperatures. Rabbits will not drink from frozen bowls, which can lead to dehydration and other health issues. 

Can Rabbits Die From Cold?

Yes, bunnies can freeze to death in the cold. You will have to look for the following factors that can make it difficult for the bunnies to survive outside cold weather. 

  • Temperature dropping below 0˚C. Ensure the temperature level for your rabbits staying outside in winter. 
  • Your bunnies should not get wet, which can cause a cold, leading to pneumonia. You must take action immediately since it could be life-threatening.
  • Older bunnies will experience painful arthritis in colds that can worsen with time. Hence, they must be kept in warm and dry areas.
  • Take special care of rabbits who are young and thin. They don’t have thick fur that can protect them against cold.

Do Rabbits Get Cold at Night?

Yes, rabbits can feel cold at night since the temperature drops very low. Even though rabbits are blessed with thick fur on their whole body to resist cold and provide insulation, their few body parts are still not covered, which include:

  • Face
  • Feet
  • Ears

Sign your bunny getting cold: You will find your rabbit loafing as a sign of feeling cold. They will be curling up like a ball to keep warm. 

Therefore, it is recommended that rabbits stay in their warm homes during the night. As mentioned above, ensure you provide your rabbits with adequate warmth adjustments. 

Can I use a heating pad to keep a rabbit warm during winter?

Yes, you can use a heating pad to keep a rabbit warm during winter. However, it’s essential to ensure the rabbit has access to a cool area to regulate its body temperature. 

Additionally, ensure the heating pad is covered with a thick layer of bedding so the rabbit doesn’t come into direct contact with the heat source. 

Also, it is important to monitor the rabbit’s temperature to avoid overheating.

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